And so I bought my first ever tote. I wasn't exactly wild about it, but the 'Liberty of London for Target' tote pictured above is now in my possession. I wanted a cuter carry-on that I could stuff my stuff in, and the 'Liberty' tote fit my needs. It also helped that it happened to be on clearance. And it is quite capacious in size, with plenty of space for my various articles. I was joking with a friend of mine, saying that it is my very own Mary Poppins carpetbag, a la slightly more modern. I could probably fit a baby elephant inside, if I wanted to try. I would be the type of person to walk around with an elephant in her bag as opposed to a toy Yorkie or Chihuahua...
At this point, I believe that I am all set to go off. I will be taking a hiatus from the blogging, though I may post pictures from Japan. I do not expect that June will boast many blog posts. I hate saying goodbye to people, so instead I will say farewell. Mata ashte, tomadachi.
Gonna miss you when you leave. I laughed at the thought of the elephant in your handbag. It would be something you would do.