Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mixing It Up

These posters feature photographs taken during my time spent in Bangalore, India. I traveled there with a local organization, the Boaz Project, a ministry whose primary focus is to bring hope, loving care, and provide nurturing to and for orphans in both India and Russia.

As a part of my final project, I chose to work with four images and the Boaz Project's logo to create three different poster designs that would provide information about their new ministry in India and showcase some of the basic design concepts that I have learned over the course of my first semester. I decided to incorporate the colors of India's national flag into the design. The bright, bold hues not only complemented the photographs, but also served a purpose in conveying additional information.

It was interesting to play around with different layouts. By placing emphasis on an image rather than words, the mood completely changes. I was able to manipulate the focus of the designs. Out of my three posters, the most successful in my mind is the topmost poster featured in this blog. The flow of the layout is the most appealing, and the poster is both balanced and unified.

The designs are simple. I wanted the images to 'speak'. The information is presented, yet it does not dominate the posters.

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