Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pure Talent

I do not watch much TV, but there was one show that caught my interest this past year. Sing-Off was a breath of fresh air, showcasing talented singers who performed in front of a live audience and a panel of judges. Unlike American Idol, these groups of singers belted out their melodies old school style: acapella. This form of singing leaves the performers nothing to hide behind, giving them a platform to display their pure talent.

And what an incredible pool of talent. It was truly a joy to listen to the voices blend together in such diverse arrangements. For a lover of music, the Sing-Off was rich with real, honest-to-goodness talent. My favorite piece from the whole season was the contestants' rendition of Use Somebody. I crank it up in my car as I commute to work, and it never fails to give me chills as the song crescendos to it's climax.

My favorite group performance was Committed's arrangement of Apologize. Their harmonies are so incredibly melodic. I was blown away...

And the group with the most creative, carefree, and completely fun arrangement, would hands down be Street Corner Symphony's Down on the Corner. Classic.

To sum up, it was classy. Clean, classy, and fresh, Sing-Off season two was memorable and enjoyable. It was great to discover that there is still some quality floating around on television.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

His Symphony

To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not, rich; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never ... this is my symphony. {William Henry Channing}
A friend of mine shared this quote, and I love the sentiment reflected in the words. I echo Channing - could hardly have said it better myself.
I have never liked pretenses. There are times when I wish that we could all take off the masks that we cling to so tightly. Who are we fooling, anyhow? Why not live life to the fullest, to be content in all things, take the time to drink in the details, and slow down, hurry never?
I wonder why so many people strive to become someone other than themselves. By that, I mean attempting to mold themselves into the person they think others wish them to be, rather than reaching their full potential. I think we shortchange ourselves, and this is disheartening. Quiet people do not usually give voice to their thoughts, for fear of being called a fool. Instead they hold their tongue, and never speak.
I was guilty of this. But I have put it behind me, and overcome my fears. While not an extrovert by any means, I am no longer afraid of what people think of me. And it has made such a difference in my life. Each of us have our own fears to overcome, our own battles to fight. It was Christ who helped me fight mine, and I have never been so free as I am now. It is because of Him that I can echo Channing's sentiment. Because of Jesus, I can join His symphony.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Just Balmy

I love Brooke Fraser's voice. Soothing and silky smooth. Her talent shines in her new album, Flags, and I love the upbeat arrangements. I'm sharing her acoustic and official video here because I really enjoyed watching the way she performed the song live. I get the impression that Brooke loves music. Just like her former albums, Flags promises to be filled with Brooke's unique flair. Enjoy!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ever Hopeful

I took the time to finish my book. Catching Moondrops is yet another gem; the truest gem of the series, in my opinion. Jennifer Valent has captured a conflicted soul, one who knows the good but has yet to embrace it, struggling to be rid of the bitterness and hate within. In her own words:
I knew I couldn't live like this. Not like this. My conscience would eat me up inside until there was nothing left of me. I needed peace in my soul like I needed water, and I was afraid I'd dry up and die if I didn't find it.

In my mind, a sort of chant started. 'I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't live like this. I can't.' I lifted my face to the heavens and cried out loud, "I can't!"

And then clear as a bell, I knew who could.

I'd heard it a million times before ... But it hadn't ever meant a single thing to me. Until this night, mired in the bleakness of my soul, with the moonlight illuminating my murky heart. That's when it all suddenly went inside me like it had sunk into my pores and found its way into my bloodstream.

I tipped my face upward and whispered one word. "Please."

It was the most important little word I'd ever said. It was a word I'd used a million times in my life, but it had never held so much meaning before in all my days.
Redemption. I never tire of reading about hopeless hearts being filled with hope. This book resonated with me, because the themes within it's pages have depth to them. The characters deal with loss, love, and life in the real world. Though a work of fiction, Valent strikes a chord with readers because the world that she paints mirrors the one that we all live in. There is evil and darkness, but there is also goodness and light. It is because of the light of Christ that we do not fall into utter darkness. It is because of Him that there is always hope.

I caught a brilliant moondrop, and I highly recommend that you find yours. The final installment of Valent's trilogy shines brightly, perhaps the brightest of the three.

When God enters a heart, He opens the eyes ... And as I sat there in that swing, holding on to the ropes, I breathed in the true goodness of all I'd had and hoped there was lifetime of that type of goodness ahead so I could enjoy it all to the fullest.
image credit

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head

The sound of splashing raindrops is falling upon my ears. It awoke me this morning, and when my eyes adjusted to the dim, grey light, I welcomed the gloomy dreariness. These rainy days make for contemplative reflections.

Some find days like today depressing, but they are looking at it with the wrong perspective. Over the years, I have come to appreciate the grey days almost as much as the bright ones, for when the sun comes out I know it will shine all the brighter. Like as not, a rainbow will arch across the sky when the clouds have let up.

There is a beauty to rain drenched days. I find the rhythmic pattering of raindrops soothing. And I find that the strangest thoughts will pop into my head, such as, who among us would desire the task of watering the entire earth? Was it not generous and kind of God to provide the world with a system that replenishes the earth with water?

If all that you can see is grey
Let me ease the mask away
For under the surface you will find
All of the color to which you were blind
Though it is hiding beneath the haze
You should seek beauty in rainy days

Peering in closer to see past the gloom
Lovely red roses are fully in bloom
Glittering orbs grace the petals like glass
There truly is beauty around you en masse.
If you only take the time to find
Delight in the details, open your mind.
image credit

Monday, January 17, 2011

Wonder of it All

My breath rises before me

Breathe in, breathe out

Not even a piercing chirp
Solitude, emptiness

Dazzling prisms like diamonds
Sparkle, glittering

My boots crunch over the snow
Leaving footprints

I gaze at the scene around me
Dizzying, brilliant

I rest beneath a sheltering pine
And I am amazed at the wonder of it all.

image credit

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Only the Beginning

I thought I knew what love was,
But it seems I have much to learn
This heart of mine expands for you each day

And I think I am starting to understand
That I could never love you near enough
This love between us is still growing deeper

There are no words to write
They fall short
There is nothing I could say
To express
You have taken this heart
I am yours

And I can see it in your eyes
A reflection of your heart
You speak volumes without words

You don't have to write me poems
They fall short
You don't have to speak out
To express
I know I've captured your heart
You are mine

He is drawing us ever closer
He is knitting our hearts
And our whole lives are before us now...

Same but Different

Recently, my brother took me to task at the neglect of this blog. Truth be told, it has not been a priority as of late, and I have pushed 'Bits & Pieces' to the back burner. It isn't that my creativity has dried up completely - rather, that it has found other outlets.

After my wedding on October 10th, 2010, my life as I knew it changed. And I could not be happier. It is as though my joy is overflowing. In the months following my union to my husband, I have begun a new routine.

And so, to anyone out there who happens to glance at this rambling blog from time to time, I do apologize for neglecting to post. It has been a great outlet for me, a place for me to jot down reflective pieces every now and again. I hope to pick up on blogging again soon. This entry is serving as an explanation, I suppose.

For now, I shall say, 'so long, farewell,' and I hope to return again soon!