Saturday, September 26, 2009

Striking Similarities

I work in a bookstore. I see a vast number of covers, and I store those images in my mind - somewhere. And sometimes, seeing a design on a book triggers a memory. In these instances, I attach meaning to an image. Today, as I was browsing through our cd selection, I was particularly struck by an album cover. Caedmon's Call's simple, stark design featured an upside down fig leaf, green in color. The background was white. It was entitled Overdressed, and the font was grey. Obviously, the album was conveying religious sybolism by using a fig leaf. But the reason that the cd cover made me stop in my tracks had to do with the fact that I had seen it before. Recently. On something else.

This was a new release that I had shelved. I remembered the cover because it was unique. The front cover was printed on clear plastic, and the Table on Contents was visible beneath the sheer slip. A fig leaf graced the front, and the book was titled The Naked Gospel.

The cd was released in 2007. The book came out in 2009. Two different meduims. Same basic design.

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