Tuesday, April 27, 2010

All That I'm Asking For

And so my freshman year is drawing to a close. Looking back, in spite of all the stress, ups, downs, highs, lows, I can see how my character has been shaped. What I've experienced, the things that I've been through, and the journey I embarked on has given me wisdom and knowledge. I have learned so much over the past months, and not just scholastically. Just living life day to day gives me a wealth to glean from, and this year was no exception.

I have been challenged to push past boundaries and to take my creativity to new levels. I made decisions and have had to deal with the repercussions. What I am taking away is lasting, and the lessons I have learned were 'life lessons.'

It seems strange to think that I have invested a year of my life, and I always in the back of my mind ponder the question: was it worth it? Rhetorical, yes. It was not a waste.

The support of my friends and family was invaluable. You know who you are: I could not have done this without you. For your prayers and encouragement, thank you. To Lifehouse: It was wonderful to listen to your songs driving to and from school - your lyrics never cease to amaze me. Inspiring and right where I am, your albums have become a part of me. Christ, who has never failed me. You have been faithful to see me through every 'crisis' and situation. I rest securely in you.

And for those of you who have no idea what this is about - sorry. The posts will change, I promise. I just have to get through these final weeks. Fun things are in store.... Meanwhile, enjoy the bonus track from Lifehouse's new album Smoke & Mirrors. Just so you know, their album is amazing.

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